Notes on the use of pro clima CAD drawings
The construction details illustrated in the pro clima database of CAD detail features are general suggestions for planning purposes. They depict the implementation of detail features of airtight and windtight transitions in a schematic manner. These drawings have been translated into English from German, but still feature our product recommendations for the German market. Not all of these products are available in all markets; please consult your local distributor for alternative products. In a small number of cases, the structural details have been adapted to take into account typical roof structures encountered in Britain and Ireland.
It is the responsibility of project planners and installation technicians to check the applicability and completeness of the suggested solutions for their particular construction project. All specifications and assumptions must be adapted and modified to take into account local conditions. Adjacent components implemented by other trades are shown in a schematic manner in certain cases. The applicable technical requirements that result from technical information sheets, specialist regulations and standards are to be observed.
These pro clima construction detail drawings are protected by copyright and may only be used for information or planning purposes. Any other use requires explicit prior consent from the headquarters of MOLL bauökologische Produkte GmbH in Germany.
These construction detail drawings were developed in accordance with current engineering practice at the time to the best of our knowledge and also in accordance with the relevant pro clima recommendations for the use and handling of our products. We reserve the right to change the recommended structures and to refine the detail features, thus also altering the associated quality level that can be achieved. We would be glad to inform you about the current state of engineering knowledge at the time that you carry out your project.